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Georgia Section 8 Housing Application Guide

Brittney Richey
Published December 24, 2024 06:43:am EST

The Georgia Guide to Section 8 Housing

Affordable housing options are accessible through Section 8 in Georgia.  With escalating housing costs in urban centers like Atlanta, Savannah, and Augusta, this program is a federally funded initiative that helps low-income individuals and families secure safe places to live.

This guide will explain Section 8 Housing in Georgia, covering aspects such as eligibility criteria, income limits, application processes, and the various public housing authorities in the state, as well as insights into navigating waiting lists and local public housing authorities.

What is Section 8 Housing in Georgia?

Section 8 in Georgia, or the Housing Choice Voucher Program, improves the quality of life for low-income individuals and families by alleviating some of the financial burden and stress of paying for a place to live. Its name refers to section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937. The program is designed to:

  1. Provide safe and affordable housing options
  2. Integrate low-income families into diverse communities
  3. Promote economic stability for participants

The program is administered by local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), which determine eligibility, manage waiting lists, and work with landlords and tenants.

What is the Most Section 8 Will Pay in Georgia?

The program employs a fair market rent (FMR) system to determine the maximum benefits available. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development establishes the FMR annually to reflect the average cost of renting a modest unit in a particular area. 

The specific amount Section 8 in Georgia will pay varies depending on a formula that takes into account family size and money earned. It is usually the highest of the following numbers:

Families choosing more expensive units are responsible for paying the difference.

Fair Market Rent

The HUD Section 8 program pays rents for low-income households directly to private landlords. The Housing Authority of Georgia will pay about 70% of a tenant’s rent, while the tenant will pay the other 30%. Fair Market Rents generally determine the maximum rent that a Section 8 landlord will be allowed to charge their residents. The table below shows current fair market rents for Georgia.

Georgia Fair Market Rent
1 Bedroom
2 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
4 Bedrooms

What are the Georgia Section 8 Housing Requirements?

HUD creates the requirements and leaves local public housing authorities to administer them. To qualify for Section 8 in Georgia, individuals and families must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Eligibility requirements may vary from one region of Georgia to another, so applicants should contact their local PHA. Meeting the basic requirements does not guarantee immediate help, as the demand for housing often exceeds the available resources.

What are the Income Limits for Housing Assistance Programs in Georgia?

HUD determines who is eligible for the program based on the Area Median Income (AMI). These limits are categorized as:

The number and demographics of people in the household also affect the income limits and the size of the housing voucher.

Income Limit

Income Limits are maximum income limits allowed based on household size. The following limits were established by HUD for low income households to be eligible for housing assistance in Georgia for 2024.

Georgia Income Limit
1 Person
2 Person
3 Person
4 Person
5 Person

How Long Does it Take to Get Approved for Section 8 in Georgia?

The approval process is contingent on several factors, including the demand for housing in a particular area and the efficiency of the local PHA. Therefore, the time frame for approval can vary from one jurisdiction to another. The approval process depends on:

  1. Local Demand: Urban areas like Atlanta often have waiting lists exceeding 2-4 years.
  2. PHA Resources: Smaller towns may process applications faster but have fewer vouchers available.
  3. Application Completeness: Providing accurate and thorough information can reduce delays.

Once authorities have accepted a family’s application, they place the family on a waiting list. The time they spend on this list can vary, and they must attend information sessions about the program. Once approved, the family then must find a suitable location and ask for approval from HUD. They then have 60 days to find a qualifying rental unit.

How To Qualify for Section 8 in Georgia

Qualifying requires meeting specific criteria related to financial situation, location, and family circumstances. Because there is often high demand for this program, housing authorities usually give priority to households with incomes below 30% of the area’s median income, and those with elderly, disabled, or homeless members.

  1. Meet HUD’s income criteria based on household size and location.
  2. Provide proof of citizenship or eligible immigration status.
  3. Pass background checks for all adult household members.
  4. Demonstrate compliance with prior rental agreements.

Qualifying for the program also depends on how likely an individual is to succeed. For example, authorities may need supporting evidence from those with violent criminal charges or a history of vandalizing rental properties. 

How To Apply for Section 8 Housing in Georgia

Applicants can obtain and submit applications online or in person, depending on the PHA's policies. Applications typically request the following information:

People also must submit copies of official documents to prove their identity, wages, disability, and citizenship status. Provide accurate information about household income, size, and other details. Some PHAs require employees of the PHA to visit applicants in their homes to interview family members and observe their living conditions.

Approved applicants are placed on waiting lists.

Can I transfer my Section 8 Voucher to Georgia?

Yes, Section 8 participants may transfer their vouchers to Georgia from another state. The process, known as portability, allows individuals and families to move to a different jurisdiction while retaining their housing benefits.

To begin a transfer:

  1. Notify your current PHA of your intent to move.
  2. Request portability paperwork and provide it to the receiving PHA in Georgia.
  3. Coordinate with both PHAs to ensure a smooth transition.
  4. Find housing in Georgia that meets program requirements.

However, not all PHAs have the availability to accept portable vouchers, so participants should confirm the feasibility of the transfer before making any arrangements.

Can I Buy a House with a Section 8 Voucher in Georgia?

While Georgia’s Section 8 vouchers are primarily intended for rental assistance, the Section 8 Homeownership Program, or the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Option, allows some participants the opportunity to use their vouchers toward homeownership. Those who would like to use Section 8 in Georgia to purchase a home must meet the following requirements:

Interested individuals should consult with their local PHA for specific requirements and guidance on utilizing Section 8 vouchers for homeownership in Georgia.

What are the Public Housing Authorities in Georgia?

HUD Housing Authorities Serving Georgia

Athens Housing Authority

Athens Housing Authority

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 1279 Units Available in the Athens Housing Authority. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Athens Housing Authority Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 1279 Units Available in the Athens Housing Authority. These Low-income Housing U...

City of Atlanta, Department. of Housing and Community Development

City of Atlanta, Department. of Housing and Community Development

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 0 Units Available in the City of Atlanta, Department. of Housing and Community Development. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the City of Atlanta, Department. of Housing and Community Development Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

Etowah Area Consolidated

Etowah Area Consolidated

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 359 Units Available in the Etowah Area Consolidated. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Etowah Area Consolidated Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 359 Units Available in the Etowah Area Consolidated. These Low-income Housing Un...

Flint Area Consolidated

Flint Area Consolidated

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 342 Units Available in the Flint Area Consolidated. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Flint Area Consolidated Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 342 Units Available in the Flint Area Consolidated. These Low-income Housing Uni...

Georgia Residential Finance

Georgia Residential Finance

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 17503 Units Available in the Georgia Residential Finance. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Georgia Residential Finance Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 17503 Units Available in the Georgia Residential Finance. These Low-income Housi...

Housing Authority of Fulton County

Housing Authority of Fulton County

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 1080 Units Available in the Housing Authority of Fulton County. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Housing Authority of Fulton County Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 1080 Units Available in the Housing Authority of Fulton County. These Low-income...

Housing Authority of Savannah

Housing Authority of Savannah

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 4320 Units Available in the Housing Authority of Savannah. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Housing Authority of Savannah Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 4320 Units Available in the Housing Authority of Savannah. These Low-income Hous...

Housing Authority of the City of Abbeville

Housing Authority of the City of Abbeville

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 14 Units Available in the Housing Authority of the City of Abbeville. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Housing Authority of the City of Abbeville Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 14 Units Available in the Housing Authority of the City of Abbeville. These Low-...

Housing Authority of the City of Adel

Housing Authority of the City of Adel

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 60 Units Available in the Housing Authority of the City of Adel. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Housing Authority of the City of Adel Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 60 Units Available in the Housing Authority of the City of Adel. These Low-incom...

Housing Authority of the City of Alamo

Housing Authority of the City of Alamo

Housing Authority

There Are Currently 38 Units Available in the Housing Authority of the City of Alamo. These Low-income Housing Units Consist of Section 8, Public Housing, and Low-income Housing Tax Credit Properties. the Housing Authority of the City of Alamo Serves the , Metropolitan Area.

There Are Currently 38 Units Available in the Housing Authority of the City of Alamo. These Low-inco...

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs oversees Section 8 in Georgia in all but the following ten counties: Bibb, Chatham, Clayton, Cobb, Dekalb, Fulton, Glynn, Muscogee, Richmond, and Sumter. These ten counties have their own public housing authorities that administer the program.

Some prominent PHAs in Georgia include the Atlanta Housing Authority, the Augusta Housing Authority, and the Savannah Housing Authority. There are more than 175 public housing authorities in Georgia, so applicants should contact their local PHA for accurate and up-to-date information in their respective areas.

Georgia Waiting List for Section 8 Housing

Because the need for affordable housing is so great, applicants do not receive vouchers immediately. Instead, their names go on a waiting list. This situation requires submitting a complete application and then waiting for room in the program to become available.

In Georgia, a computer places applications in random order. Things to note:

When a participant leaves the program, the person first on the waiting list receives a notification of eligibility. The Georgia DCA's Section 8 waiting list was full for several years but recently opened briefly for new applications.

Is Emergency Housing Assistance Available in Georgia?

The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program does not provide immediate help in times of crisis. However, HUD awards the Georgia DCA a limited number of emergency vouchers to help those experiencing homelessness, risk of homelessness, or flight from dangerous situations. These situations might include domestic violence or human trafficking.

Local charities, shelters, and community service organizations may provide additional temporary housing solutions. Individuals should contact their local PHA for information or dial 211 for assistance on emergency housing programs available in their area.

Emergency Rental Assistance Serving Georgia


Atlanta COVID-19 Emergency Housing Assistance Program

Program Type: City

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

Augusta-Richmond County Emergency Rental Assistance

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

Chatham County Rental and Utility Assistance Program

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

Cherokee County Emergency Rental Assistance

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

Clayton County Emergency Rental Assistance

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

Cobb County Rental Assistance Program

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

DeKalb Tenant-Landlord Assistance Coalition

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

Forsyth County Emergency Rental & Utility Relief Program

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

Fulton County COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

Gwinnett County Project RESET

Program Type: County

Details: Offers emergency rental assistance, covid relief, utility assistance and more

The Information You Need To Apply for Section 8 in Georgia

Applying for the Housing Choice Voucher Program in Georgia is not a simple task. It involves understanding eligibility criteria, income limits, application processes, and the role of Public Housing Authorities. 

The above information aims to empower individuals and families seeking an affordable place to live by providing them with the knowledge they need to navigate Section 8 in Georgia. By reading it carefully and working with local PHAs, Georgians can secure stable and affordable housing for themselves and their families.

Stay up to date with the latest news and information by regularly checking our HUD Housing News.

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